Further captures by the German raider Mowe ' have been
reported. The British steamers Flamenco ' and Horace,' the British barque Edinburgh,' and the Belgian steamer ' Luxembourg ' were sunk between the South American coast and the island of Fernando Noronha between January 16th and February 9th. There were about forty neutrals among the crews of these vessels. As the island of Fernando Noronha lies on the direct route from Europe, we hope to hear soon that the Mime' has been rounded up. The captain of the Clan MacTavish,' which fought a gallant action before she was sunk, has been kept on board the Mere,' together with two marines and some of the native crew of the ' Clan MacTavish' Mean- while the Westburn,' one of the Mowe's ' captures, has been taken into Tcneriffe by a prize crew, and two hundred and six prisoners have been landed. After twenty-four hours the Westburn' was taken outside the harbour and scuttled. The prize crew then returned to land in boats.