4 MARCH 1922, Page 1

In the event of Mr. Lloyd George's resignation the best

possible thing that could happen would be that the Unionist Party, which has a good working majority, should be entrusted with the business of governing under a Unionist Prime Minister. There seems to us no doubt whatever that a Unionist Prime Minister who insisted upon economy and rest and recuperation for the country could confer untold benefits upon us all. A Unionist Ministry ought to be in effect what might be called a Geddes Ministry—a Ministry standing for the policy of saving the nation from bankruptcy and restoring trade by insisting that financial cuts should not be less in amount than the total recommended by the Geddes Committee. That amount should be regarded as the absolute minimum. The Geddes Committee showed how the thing can be done. If the Departments have better plans let them be free to adopt them, provided that they keep strictly within their financial ration.