4 MARCH 1922, Page 13


MUSEUM. (To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' Stas—A meeting was held on Thursday, February 23rd, at the Victoria and Albert Museum to consider the possibility of

transferring to England the very important International

Exhibition of Theatre Art, which has been held with great success at Amsterdam. The meeting was attended by repre- sentatives of the Actors' Association,the British Drama League, and other bodies connected with the theatre, as well as by persons holding prominent places in connexion with the drama. The President of the Board of Education has agreed to offer hospitality to the Exhibition in the Victoria and Albert Museum for a period of six weeks. Tho Museum is the officially constituted centre and home of all the industrial arts, and in giving a worthy setting to this Exhibition will be fulfilling its function by encouraging the cultivation of the. wide field of art, ranging from architecture and lighting to costume design, with which theatre art is concerned. The artistic side of the drama has never had, in this country, the recognition that other arts such as painting have had, and to show the aesthetic side of the theatre is a matter of va=t importance for our national credit, as well as a stimulus to all who are concerned with the forward movement in the art ; and crafts of the theatre.

It need not be pointed out that, however desirable the project

of holding this Exhibition, the Government at the present moment cannot make any contribution to the actual expenses, estimated at £1,500, involved in holding an Exhibition on this large scale, including the cost of removing all the exhibit; from Amsterdam. The British Drama League has, therefore,

opened a fund, and many generous contributions have been promised. But to ensure the possibility of carrying the scheme through several hundred pounds are still required. and it is hoped that all lovers and patrons of the drama will help what is really a national movement. Subscriptions should be sent to Lord Howard de Walden, at the offices of the British Drama League, 10 King Street, Covent Garden. There will be a special private view to which all those who have sub- scribed one guinea and upwards will be invited.—We are, Sir,


(President. British Drama League).


(Director, Victoria and Albert Museum). Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, S.W. 7.