4 MARCH 1922, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR 07 TEE:" SPECTILTOR:"1 Sia,—A recently reported case of " resuseitatims:" of: a- sup- posed . corpse raises the- highly-- important question of the 'efficacy of medical. certificates of death. la matters stand at preeents such,. a. certificate- -provides , no: adequate' protections. against premature burial'. (or against.other possibilities scarcely' less, horrible to contemplate). for thievery, cogent, reason. that: it contains. no guarantee-that-the-physician who sigma it has actually seen the corpse, Thus it. is legally: possible. for • a: certificate to. besissued. by the. physician :who has attesuled:tise: case, simply on the- assertion of relatives. of the patient that: 'death has :taken. place.. I suggest-.that ire this matter the law' stands .in mostasgen.t•need of. reform, with a view to the hie-le- sion • in these" eertifieates of a, statement that the medical

attendant has. personally applied. such .as leave no doubt •

that' life is..extinet.-1.aras,Sir,,&c.,. C. J. REEHOLDS: Horsham-.