4 MARCH 1922, Page 15



Sts,—This account of a small cross-bred West Highland terrier finding a serious leak in a water-pipe supplying my house may interest -your readers. I had been unable to get water to the top Of my house from the reservoir two hundred yards off, and knew there must be a leakage somewhere in the supply pipe, which was eighteen inches below the surface. The pipe had been uncovered at intervals of about ten feet apart for about sixty yards from my house where I suspected the leakage, and my men wore listening hoping to detect where the water was escaping from the pipe, but could not make it out. The small terrier was much interested and listened carefully at various places. Suddenly at a spot where the pipe had not been un- covered he held up a paw, listened carefully, and commenced scratching. When he had made a hole nine inches deep water oozed out. The pipe was dug out,"found broken and mended, sifter which there- was an ample supply. Had it-not been for the dog the men were just giving up looking in that part, and there would have been a great deal of useless expense and trouble in searching for it further away from the house.—I am,