4 MARCH 1922, Page 2

It Is made clear in the Egyptian White Paper published

on Wednesday that the Government have followed the advice pressed upon -them by Lord Allenby and stoutly resisted by Lord Curzon, who wanted to maintain the Protectorate. Lord Allenby contended that the Protectorate, though possibly useful in negotiating with foreign Powers, was a serious hindrance to the British. authorities in Egypt, who were blamed for all that went wrong and get no .credit for any administrative successes. Turkey in the past had made repeated concessions to Egypt without any treaty ; we ought, in our own interests, to do the same. The Egyptians who were not unwilling to co-operate with us would have to accept the accomplished fact, and would not be exposed to the reproach that they had not secured sufficiently goad terms. Zaghiul was deported because he was trying to wreck any and every settlement that was not made with him in person and on his own terms.