4 MARCH 1922, Page 2

It will be remembered that the Departments in response to

the Prime Minister's request suggested economies amounting to £75,000,000. Altogether, the proposed savings for the, coming year under& Sir Robert Home's scheme would amount to £129,000,000. In the current financial year the public services, with the large supplementary grants included, are sooting £665,000,000, and Sir Robert Horne' hopes that in the next Budget the services will .cost not more than £484,-000,000. That means.a reduction of £181,000,000. Although.this seemed to Sir Robert Home's colleagues a very large reduction, it must be remembered that the supplementary estimates in the current year have amounted to £123,000,000. The net reduction as compared with the last Budget estimates will therefore be less than £60,030,000. Not long ago a deputation of distinguished business men pointed out to the Government that there was little chance of a trade recovery unless there was a cut of at least £200,000,000.