The Government, we are sure, did the-right thing in trusting
to Lord Allenby. After all that has happened, after the absurd policy. of publishing the Milner Report-and then snatching away the -plums which it offered, we- cannot see how anything. short of what Lord Allenby has now been authorized to propose-would have had any chance of satisfying -the Egyptians. And, .for our part, we cannot refrain from expressing , the pride whiora we, as Englishmen, feel in the moral spc.etaele.of Lord _Allenby acting, not, as some men. would have done An his place, in the role of a great military leader who had no idea in the world
except to go on subduing, but as a tolerant and patient negotiator. He has had the imagination to know when to give way, and he has acted with true moderation and modesty.