4 MARCH 1922, Page 2

We reproduce from the Daily _Express a tabulated statement of

the Geddes 'proposals and the Government proposals :—

" Geddes proposals. Government cuts.

Education • • . •

£1B4O00,000 ..

£6,500,000 Navy .. 21,000,000 .. 10,000,000 Army ..


t17,000;000 Air Force 5,500,000 .. 3,000,000 Labour Nil. .. 8,000,000 Health .. 2,100,000 .. 2,100,000 Pensions . • 6,000,000 .. 6,000,000 Trade Group .. 538,000 .. 495,000 Agriculture . • • 855,1)00 .. 642,000 Police and Prisons 1,585,000 .. 1,253,000 Geddes (3rd report). 8,750,000 .. 8,500,000.

-}Including Middle East.

The Geddes cuts relating to the Navy only specified £14,000,000, leaving .the rest vague. They were exclusive of savings on the Washington decisions and on oil supplies. The Government's cuts include both these."