The British Empire Union, at 9 Agar Street, W.C., has
just published an instructive pamphlet, Danger Ahead : Socialist and Proletarian Sunday Schools, which describes in some detail the evil movement, directed from Moscow, whose leaders have deliberately set themselves to corrupt and debase the minds of British children. The Socialist Sunday Schools were bad enough, for children should have nothing to do with politics, but the Communist schools appear to have touched the lowest level of depravity. Some of their foulest pamphlets are printed in Berlin. One wonders why the police do not take action against some of this disgusting and blasphemous propaganda. But such a movement is best countered by more strenuous efforts on the part of the Churches. As the Bolsheviks are trying to spread paganism in Britain, there is need for more Christian teaching both on Sundays and on weekdays. The Christian Sunday School was never more urgently needed in every parish than it is to-day.