4 MARCH 1922, Page 3

As * result the-deeision - of :the Sinn Fein- Convention. in

Dublin, :which, weemeordedlaet: week,. to. postpone the • Southern Iriain election foe• ateleast Orme months the Government •invited the Minietere of, the /Ash Provisional, Government to come to London for a Onnferenoe, :LE the House •of Lords on Thursday, February 23rd, the Lord Chancellor explained that it was difficult to appreciate clearly at once what the postponement implied and involved. In the 'House of Commons on the same day Mr. Chamberlain announced that the consideration of the Irish Free State Agreement Bill would be held over for the present. By Monday, however, the views of the Government had become much clearer. In the House of Commons on that day 'Mr. Churchill announced that the result of the Conference in London had been " both satisfactory and reassuring."