4 MARCH 1922, Page 3

Mr. Gandhi, - after a brief display of .moderation to delude

'Mr. Montagu, is again reverting to, an attitude of open hostility to the Indian Government. On Sunday he caused his Congress Committee to adopt a resolution sanctioning all kinds of. revolu- tionary agitation except " mass civil disobedience," and approv- ing of even that in. principle. * The resolution implied the .con- tinuance of terrorism by the so-called " volunteers " in ..Mr. Gandhi's pay, to .the injury of, peaceful natives .. as well as Europeans. Tenants. are being stirred up against. their landlords, railway menagainat the companies,. the tea-gerden coelies against their employers, even -the native, troops against: their .officers, in the . name. of " Swaraj ". or Home. Rule. The Government meanwhile arrest some of the minor offenders and carefully leave the `I Mahatnm". Alone. The 'Indian public. infer that the Government . are. afraid of Mr.. Gandhi;, it is, head: to see how they can come toany other conclusion.