4 MARCH 1938, Page 23


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am interested to read the remarks of your reviewer in your last number in reference to Professor Stebbing's Philosophy and the Physicists in which she deals with the mis- leading conclusions of scientists in matters outside their sphere, for I have often thought in the case of the British Association's meetings the matter needs raising almost as a point of order seeing that the Association's professed purpose is the Advance- ment of Science—not Philosophy or Metaphysics. The bound- aries arc easily overstepped between the fields in which the scientist is concerned with the question How ?—things come about, i.e., cause and effect, and the philosopher with Why ?- they come about, and the field of metaphysical enquiry into the nature of reality which asks What ?—they are in themselves.

—Yours faithfully, R. M. P. WILLOUGHBY. 97 Elm Park Gardens, S.W.w.