Mr. Attlee was not really convincing on the. point that
a new tradition governing the position of Foreign Secretary had just been established, but his quotation from a speech by Mr. Ormsby-Gore in 1919 shows great assiduity on the part of some Transport House research worker. Sir Archibald Sinclair; in spite of Mr. Churchill's advice, was remarkably successful in " beating twa dogs at ane time," and when he challenged the leader of the Opposition to look along the Front Bench opposite and take his pick for prospective Foreign Secretary, a loud noise came from the House without one being quite able to say who, other than the Liberals, were laughing. Mr. Churchill developed this point in his best after-dinner style, and concluded that " one never really appreciates how good these Ministers are in their present jobs until one begins to contemplate them in some other." " And why do you cry for the moon when you have the sun ? " he asked in reference to the fact that the Prime Minister himself is to answer for Foreign Affairs in the House.
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