Wine of the Week
VARIOUS firms now offer very dry wines as suitable (under medical advice) for diabetics. Peter Dominic Ltd., for in' stance, have a red and a white Portuguese at 6s. 9d. with a sugar content of 0.2 per cent. and 0.25 per cent. respectively: Now I notice that a new firm, the SF (which stands for 'sugar-free ) Wine Co., is shipping red and white Portuguese table wines at 8s. 9d. and a Spanish sherry at 21s., under .the brand name `Beaucare,' all labelled as complying with the requirements of the British Diabetics Society, and with a sugar content of 0.2 per cent. These wines are not 'doctored' or 'medicated': they are dry by virtue of very complete fermenta- tion—the natural process of fermentation converts grape-sugar to alcohol, and the greater the fee' mentation the less sugar. So they probably have their place in a reducing diet, too. They are respectable drinking wines : I like the red better than the white, and I think the sherry might well appeal to those, whether diabetic or not, who like their sherries very dry. It.seems rather dear to nle, though, at a guinea. `Beaucare' wines can be bought in London at Harrods, Coopers, and John Barnes; in Brighton at Findlater, Mackie and Todd; and from TolleYa of Ipswich and Cockburns of Randolph Place, Edinburgh. As this is a new venture (and a useful one) I like to assume that a good, steady response from consumers will help the firm to bring its prices down.