ACROSS 1. Is this the cause of goose-flesh 1.
on ships? (8) 5. Impale a Latin thing back round Kew (6) 2.
9. How Scotland is edged? (8) 10. Pismire on edge of town 46) 12. The lost girl in Rimini 6) 13. Vehicle for manual labour? 18) 15. The size of the heavens, so to speak (12) 18. St. John's own country (12) 23. How the seamstress might lend a hand with the building? 18) 24. How not to take the baby (6) 26. Masonic dignity, perhaps? (6) 27. Pale hands were loved beside it 18) 28. Somehow reach a conclusion in the gin den (6) 29. That funny old tree! (8) DOWN As you like it, such is the reputation sought even in the cannon's mouth (6) 'Truth is never pure, and - simple' (Wilde) (6) Geneva's out of place and settles an account (7) Shelters for the dregs? (4) It was once royally on offer for a horse (7) A hop in the NAAFI perhaps? (3. 5) Distantly concerning the jester's rig being replaced (8) Charles Stewart. the great Irish- man (7) Briefly compare train in a con- fusion. That's mad (7) Wave! (8) All wrapped up in the early stages 48) AsRoman, he was often slavishly attached to his task (7)
6 II. 14
19. 20. How an examiner might fox and deprive an examinee (7) 21. Team displaced between poles is a flowery necessity (6) 22. 'The - that from the soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine' (Jonson) (6) 25. Eastern ruler makes a hash (4) Solution next week
SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD No. 1211 ACROSS.-1 Mouthpiece. 6 Harp. 10 Rotor. 11 Euterpean. 12 Harrowing. 13 Whist. 14 Porringers. 16 Bean, 18 Aims. 20 Truculence. 23 Neddy. 24 Endurance. 27 Irascible. 28 Daunt. 29 Fast. 30 Hsdropathy.
DOWN.-1 March, 2 Utterer, 3 Harmonic. 4 Iceni. 5 Categoric. 7 Alewife. 8 Penitence. 9 Crows. 14 Plaintiff, 15 Garden-boy. 17 Flared up. 19 Medlars. 21 Non-suit. 22 Lynch. 23 Diem. 26 Entry.
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