Intolerance of Tone
From Frederick Forsyth Sir: Mr Peter Hitchens's critique (`As funny as an abattoir', 26 February) of Matthew Par- ris's article on supposed 'political soundness' CA lexicon of conservative cant' 19 Febru- ary) — in any case well below young Master Matthew's habitual par — was spot on . There used to be a saying, 'I disagree with everything you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.' So far as I know, that writ still runs in the Conserva- tive party, or Messrs Clarke and Heseltine would long since have passed under the front wheels of the proverbial No. 9. New Labour and PC have changed that adage to, 'I disagree with everything you say and will fight for your political death if you ever dare say it again.' That is why, despite the screams of horror, there are permissible comparisons between JOrg Haider and our beloved Tone. They are both running similarly intolerant ships.
Frederick Forsyth
Hertingfordbury, Hertfordshire