On the 11111 tilt., the Countess of GLENOALI„ of a sou, still-born.
Out the 26th ult.. at Horton, near Colnbrook, Bucks, the Lady of GEOROE THOMAS
of i son.
(hi the '26th ult., at Yarmouth, Norfolk, the Lady of Junx Briaesy, Esq., of a On the 27th tilt., in the Rue Castiglione, Paris, the Lady of WILLIAM JONES, Esq., of Clytha House, Monmouthshire, of a daughter. At Colverlands, near Fratillarn, the Lady of Captain Lord Grottos PAULET, R.N., of a son.
Ott the 27th ult., at Erwater Parsonage, the Lady of the Rev. RALPH BEARERS, of a soil.
On the `29th ult., the Lids of THOMAS l'il'DoXxid,r,, Esq., of Dorset Piave, Regent's Park, of a son, At Blackheath, the Lady of St MON ES(1„ of a daughter.
On the 1911i alt.. the Hou. Ilmatv FITZROY, M.P., to HANNAH MAYOR, second clauglo ter of the late Baron N. M. de Rothschild.
Ou the 27th ult., at Leamington, JOHN EArtnotte, eldest son or Sir Eardley Eardley Wilmot. Bart., M.P., to ELIZA MARTHA, daughter id' the late Sir Robert Williams, Butt. On the 4th Mt., at the Etiglish Ambassador's, Florence, JAMES Wir.soN, Esq., M.D., to CLARA, fourth daughter of the late U. 11. Kortright, Esq., fornierly Hylands, Essex.
On the 27i1i ult. at St. 3,fary's Church, Bryanstotte Square, WILLI:at, Esq., of the 12 11 Royal 'Lancers, grandson of Sir William Miller, Bart., Lord Menke, to Emmy, daughter of Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas IP:Walton, Bart., K.C.1S. On the 2•Ith Mt., at St. John's, FRANCIS ROOSE, Esq., third son of the late Sir David Rome, a Dublin, to ELIZA Fasnsitica, eldest survising daughter of John llderton Bunt, E-q.. or Conuttught Square, Hyde Park. Oil the tZthlt ult. at St Mary's, Batliwiek, Romano A. II. lintwilc, Esq.. eldest sou of P. Kirwan, of Cregg, Galm,:Ly, Esq., to AONES JANE, third daughter of John Thomp-
sint, el' the Circus, ltath.
Or; the 34.'1 h tilt., at 'Ere.. or Chapel. Bromptou, the Rev. JAMES Lsoas, A.M., Mis- sioaary t., 0) MARY ISABELLA MOR!SSN, only theighter of the Rev. Julio Morison, D.D., or Ilaus Place, Chelsea,
ths thy ;;Oth ult., at Bri2litial, Lieulenant-Ciiionel CnEstmv, Royal Artillery, to Evsamea,.second daughter of CIeneral Sir John Fraser, G.C.11.
(I% the 1st jut,, tit the Palace, Ilsmintrr Msae,i. D.D., Bishop of Peterborough, INtor.:aret Professor of Divinity, and Rector orTerrington St. Clement's, Norfolk, in t-ad eat.
Al Cledlettitam, Sit FRArels Folio. Bart., in his 5A1 year. Oil the 2•171t at his nit , Swinton, Berwickshire, SAMrEL Siewrox, Esq. On the :XIII alt.. iii Gnisvenue IirOltOr I soma llot.riato, Esq., late of Bolton Strict, aim Viesionhitt, Wouemdershire, in his 720 year, On the bah inst., the lit. Wn.t.ian LrsLIE, Minister cl the united parishes of St.
Antln.w's Lhaulavile, county of Moray, in his 92,1 year, and filth of his Alittistry.
On Ili • 23 it It., at MiLott Bryan. Bedford, STEPHANA 011leSt daughter or ILl hc Hugh Inglis, Mo., on the vhiil ult., at Lci, Hill Cottage, Blackheath. EuzansTir, Widow of the Isle Henry 16:1Bc Moor, of Kirby Hall, Kent, and of ('he-shout, Herts, in her 51th year. Oa the 1911t ult., at Kilmarnovk, JOHN Fct.Tox, Esq., merehant and distributor of stamy mot within leis than an liour afterwards, Mr. WILLIAM, Ilia sou, or the same lino, Fulton and Sun.
On the 22d ult., at Cheltenham, after a pndracted illness, THOMAS HAYNES SATIN,
At Tavistoek, 11.1.inamticr, iteliet or It. tie:eiroril, Esq., in her 9-ali year. At If.nitry, county Cork, num.'s, 11--i let of Julio Youicr. Esq., 01 tint Point, in her 92d
At Larb-toutt. Scotland, JAMES Dem F., Ls. , in his 93,1 year. At T- rpoint, 1 h•vou, W. liner, in his Out■ ear. At l'Itkaa0.1,, Mr. ,1, MARTI, iT, his 97th year. At Mayo, Mr. DExis WARD. of Aughaguitr, 'Mayo, in his 9iith year. At Dublin, MARGARET, Relict or m. Fulham, Esq., the celebrated comedian, in het
71st year.
At ('each-k, Lancashire, JOHN IttottrawArrE, in his 95th year. At Selby, Mr. toll): LINsBALE, upwards of 100 soars of age. He retained his mental
faculties to Om last.