WAR-,,FFT('E, May 3.-2d Dtaginil Guaribi—Major (1. Nugent, from the 7th Drag. Guards, to be Alajor, vice Grifliths, promoted. 411t Drag. Guards—Cornet A. Rolls to be Lieut. by puzollasv, Ake GosSet,LWIIO retires; 'I'. G. Symons, Gent. to be Cornet, by purelta,o, vice Rolls. :gitit Foot—Capt. T. G. PeacoAe, from latlr pity 36th Foot, to be cart, vie' G. T. Filmeane, who exchanges; Lieut. C. Irvine to be Capt. by par- chase, \let, Peacoelce, who retires ; Ensign U. Frith to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Irvine ; II. It. Evans, Gent. to bl! I.:1154411, by purchase, sire Frith. 58th Foot—En- sign C. W. Thompson lob.- Lieu t. by purchase, s ice Collins, who retires; J. W. Saun- ders, Geld. to be Ensign, by pitteleise, vice Thompson. Unattached—Major F. C. Griffiths, from the 131 Drag. Guards, to be Lieut.-Colonel, without purehase. Brevet—Capt. T. G. Peaeoeke, of the 38th Foot, to be Major in the Army; Capt. II. V. Glegg, late of the Bengal Army, to have the local rank of Captain while em- ployed as Beeruiting.officer of the East ludia. Company's Service Ri, Edinburgh.