4 MAY 1839, Page 10



The Money Market has evinced considerable firmness during the week ; and the quotation of Con.4di for Account, which, np to yesto.dity, bad

fluctuated betw,:en re:ICIBA 93..1, at is Itich price there were buyers; bat Stock boing brought to market, the price &dined to sellers at 93]. The marki t opened this unirnin:! at 9I suit and beemi,e live-at ; but a sale of .50,001 /I. :It that price has ugiiin Oa; tom(' it. Exclicvcr I flits are rather higher, and are to-day quoted at 2 to 44 prem. Bank Stock steady at 197 to 1971; and India Stock at 25q. The business has keit unimportant, and chiefly confined to money t rainaet ions. In the Foreign Market. Portuguese Bonds and South American Securities have almost IBBOoptaind thi• attention of the speculators. The in queen lent in Portuguese Stock has heen nearly 2 per cent. and in Columbian about OS much : the cause of mini advance is to be found iii the le lief that some arrange- ments are inyrogress to provide for the payment of the over-due Dividei,ds The Coltman:1u Bondholders have rather surer grounds than the holders of Portuguese Securitic,,, as a certain (though small) amount of dollars has actually been put aside to form a fund for the liquidation of their claims. The Spanish Securities fluctuate with the appearance of the French political crisis ; rising when the day's post brings tidings of the chance of the instalment of M. TRIERS as Minister, and falling when the intelligence is of a contrary tenor. The fluctuation has been from 20 to ; and the market is weak at the lower quotation.

The Northern Continental Securities are firm, in consequence of the im- provement in Consols ; but there have been but few transactions in them. .Russian Bonds :are quoted to-day at 112i to 113i. Brazilian remains the same. The Railway Shares have been without variation from our last prices,


The English Money Market is not quite so strong to-day, the Bank having brought some Stock to market ; but as yet the prices have not given way, spa are, as well as those of the Foreign Funds, the same as yesterday. The usual quarterly statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England has appeared. As compared with the last statement, it exhibits an increase in the amount of Securities to the extent of 125,000/., while the Circulation has decreased 21,000?.; the Deposits have also been diminished by 891,0004 a/4 the stock of Bullion is 1,050,000/. lower.


Notwithstanding a large sale of Exchequer Bills on behalf of;the Bank, by which the price has been depressed to 40 prem., the Stock Market is firmer; and just previous to the close of business, a purchase of 20,000/. Consols for Account Wits effected at 93i. In the Foreign Market, Portuguese Securities have been depressed; the Five per Cents, have been at 36, and after rallying to 37, close sellers at that prke. The other Foreign Funds close at the morn.ing's prices.

3Per Cent. Consols 93 1-3 *

Ditto for Account 931 I 3 per Cent. Reduced.. 924 I

New :it vr Cent. Arms. 101: 1

Batik Stock 1971- India Stock 2561 Ditto Bonds — Exchequer Bills 42 4 Belgian 5 per Cents. 101# 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents........ Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents

Portuguese Regency 5 per Cis Ditto :3 per Cents

Russian (1822)5 per Cent , Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent..,, Deferred Stock Passive Ditto

751 561 361 7 21+ 2 1E4 191 20 ill 41