The Court of King James the First; by Dr. Godfrey Goodman. Bishop of Gloucester; to which are added, Letters illustrative of the Personal History of the most distin- guished Characters in the Court of that Monarch amid his Predecessors. Now first published from the Original Manuscripts. By John S. Brewer, M.A. of Queen's College. Oxford. In 2 vols. Bentley.
Thirty Years in India; or a Soldier's Retniniscenees of Native and European Life in the Presidencies, from HOS to 1338. By Major H. Bevan, Into 27th Regiment E. 1. C. Madras Native Infantry. In 2 vols. With Map and Plates.....Richardsen. RURAL LIFE, Rural Sketches. By Thomas Miller, Author of " A Day in the Wt,ods," " Beauties of the Country," Re. WhIm twenty-three Illustrations. ran Voorst.
Letter to the Electors of Stroud, on the Priuciples of the Reform Act. by Lord John
Russell Ridgway.