SPECTATOR. 27. Pall Mall, 29th April 1839. Sot—In the analysis of the division on the recent Irish debate, given in the Spectator of the 27th instant, I find my mama classed amongst those who did not vote upon Mr. Dt7NcOMBE'S amendment to the Ministerial resolution. 1 beg to state that I did vote in that division, and against the amendment. Now, whatever animadversions yon may b.` disposed to cast upon the votes of those who opposed Mr. DENEOu BE'S amendm?nt, I tnnst nevertheless protest against your applying to Inc so offensive an epithet us that of having "skulked from the dirisum."
1 have the honour to be, Sir, your very obedient servant, T. CHARLES STYLE. [Sir Cnsutts STYLE is entitled to v hat he claims : his name, rightly in- dicated in our Division-table on the 2Pth April as it voter against Mr. DUX- conun's addition to the Ministerial resolution, was, in last week's analysis, transferred by mistake to the wrong section of deserters front " further Re- form "—he did not " skulk from the division," butt went over to the enemy. At Scarborough, possibly, this may be deemed playing the better part. When the customary loyal echo of the Sovereign's speech at the opening of the ses- sion was proposed, Sir CHARLES STYLE (5th February 18:39) voted fbr Mr. Duscomun's addition to the Address to the Queen- " That as the amendawat of the Repressaltative system, enacted in 1832, has dis- appoluted her Majesty's people. and as that measure is not and cannot be thud, her Maiesty's Iimithfimt Commons will take into their curly consideration the further Relbrm of the Commons Idelse of Parliament."
'When the unusual course of calling upon thc.. House of Commons for an
abstract resolution, for the avowed purpo oh' helping a particular set of Ministers in it strait of party warfare, is prop ised, Sir CHARLES STYLE (20th April 18:39) votes against Mr. Dt7Ncomii::'s addition to the Minister-serving resolution- " And Mat it is also expedient to effect such fialhor Reforms in the Representation (AUK, people in Ruh:toned, as WOlall COatIRCO to their commitment, and to the security Cliiiehbre of the kingdom at large." By what reasons and motives Sir CHAULES STTLE was guided in these, to all appearance contradictory votes, is best known to his own conscience.-.-