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THE Queen takes almost daily rides on horseback. Her Majesty is generally attended by the Baroness Lelizen, Miss Quentin, the Marquis of Headfort, the Earl of Uxbridge, Mr. William Cowper, and Lord Alfred Paget.
There has been no Levee this week, but on Thursday her Majesty held a Drawing-room. The general company was not numerous. From the scanty list of presentations, which contains few names of note, we select the following—Viscountess Milton, Lady Teignmouth, Miss Abercromby, Mrs. Robert Biddulph, Mrs. William Erie, Mrs. Plumer Ward, Mrs. Strutt, and Mrs. Edward Petre. The dinner-company at the Palace has been very small, consisting almost exclusively of Members of the Household. Viscount Mel- bourne's dinners—two, Thursday and Friday.