The Lord Mayor gave an entertainment on Wednesday, to the
Judges, and a numerous assembly. The Lord Chancellor, Lord Denman, and Sir Frederick Pollock addressed time company when their healths were given, in commonplace speeches. The Lord Mayor, as if a bright thoupt had struck him, mentioned that Wednesday was the Duke of Wellington's birthday—" a fact of no slight interest under existing cir- cumstances ;" and he therefore proposed the Duke's health. Lord Denman said— :Nothing could be more fortunate than the discovery which the Lord Mayor had made; as nobody could be more deserving of the approbation which had been bestowed upon the illustrious person whose health had been just drunk, anti to whom he could not help acknowledging on that occasion his own indi- vidual obligation.
Lord John Russell informed a deputation of the London Corporation Reform Society, whom he received on Saturday last, that there was no chance of a bill for the reform of the Corporation of London being in- troduced into Parliament during the present session.
Mr. Harvey is canvassing, it is supposed with considerable success, for the office of Chief Commissioner of the City Police.