At Llanidloes, in Montgomeryshire, several persons charged with taking arms
by force from farmers mid others, were apprehended by Policemen sent from London by the Home Seeretnry, at the request of the Magistrates. Their arrest cansed much exasperation ; and a large body, armed with pikes and gems, went to the Trewythen Arms Inn, whither the prisoners had been conveyed, and, breaking open the doors and windows, woundeci and cudgelled the Policemen, and rescued the prisoners. Mr. Marsh, a Magistrate, narrowly escaped a serious wound from a pike which went through his hat. A messenger was sent to Lord Clive, Lord-Lieutenant of the county, then comnianding the South Salopian Yeomanry at Shrewsbury ; and his Lordship sent a party of the Yeomanry at once to Llanidloes, while the Montgomery- shire Yeomanry also received orders to be in readiness to act. On Tuesday last, " the town of Llanidloes," in the exaggerated language of the Shrewsbury Tory paper, " was in possession of the Revolution-
The Chartists are turbulent at Trowbridge. They broke the church- windows whilst the Rector was performing service, and have set fire to a hay-rick. The Devizes Gazette says— " The women are particularly violent and outrageous. Scarcely any of the workpeople in the factories, but contribute, some secretly but most openly, to the Chartist Association. They have infected Holt, Bradley, Steeple Ashton, &c. and all the surrounding villages; and no person with a decent coat on his back can be seen without being hooted and insulted. The special constables are afraid to act, and the trade of the town is seriously injured. The children are paraded about with banners, bearing mottoes, Liberty or Death!' We want Justice!" We will have our rights.' The children of the British School joined the procession in a body. They also the other day locked out their master, and show every mark of total insubordination. The chapels are very much thinned on Sundays, so are the Sunday Schools ; and the people, instead, attend Carrier's lectures, or read -Vincent's newspaper."
Accounts are given in several country newspapers that the Chartists are purchasing arms with funds drawn from benefit societies and savings banks.