Led Farnham is to be the new R epresentmive Peer of Ireland, in the room of the late Lord Caledon ; studi being the decree of the Tory majority of' Irish Peers.
The election for Tyrone seas to lake plece yeesessiev ; Lord Claude
Hamilton being the only candidate poehit auntesuce.d.
The electors of Portarlington ere so illeefitiefied with Colonel Darner for his absence upon the late Irish division, that they 'held a public meeting last weels and resolved to call npat: idls for an explanation.
A London correspondent of the Dablin if gives some ac- count of the proeeedings on Lord Roden's Cononiftee. He mentions that the Duke of Richmond, with Lords Hatherom and Portman, attend the Committee regularly. 3Iajor Warburton has iteea examined ; and his evidence, according to the elLirs correspondent. proves the exist- ence or an extended Ribbon conspiracy.
A considerable number of noldemen ard gentlemen, owners of pro- perty its Kilkenny, have signed a protest amlinet a complimesuery ad- dress to Lent Ni rmanby recently transmitted to hien from Kilkenny.
Circulars from Mr. S'emley. Secretary of the Treaeury, were reoeivel by some Ministerial Members in Dublin, urging the necessity of their atteudance in the House of Cs minions on Frishy to sfsessfies the amend- ment of which Sir Robert Peel has given notice.—Tines Dn'.lin Go:-