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The Duke of Newcastle has been dismissed from the Lord-Lieute- nancy of Nottinghamshire. It is said that the Duke refused to insert in the commission of the peace the names of seine highly respeetable gentlemen, against whom his only objection was that they did not belong to the Established Church ; and that when the Lord Chmwellor mildly remonstrated with him, he returned an insolent answer, to the effect that he would have nothing fin-tiler to say on the subject to Lord Cottenham, who evidently did not know what he was writing about. His Grace was asked to withdraw this letter ; and on his refusal, was removed from the Lord-Lientenancy. His successor is the Earl of Scarborough.
Mr. Armstrong, the Recorder of Leeds, is to be the Recorder of Man- chester, with a salary of 6001. Mr. David Dundas is to succeed Mr. Armstrong as Recorder of Leeds.
Two Scotch gentlemen, a Mr. Shearman and Mr. Sydney Smith, have lectured on the Corn-laws in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire to large crowds, and uniformly with great success. At Louth they- had ob- tained the Town-hall, and on a market-day addressed a large audience. A Dr. Trout, a Magistrate of the place, thoeght he might venture on a controversy with the lecturers ; but he had the worst of it, and this led hint not merely to procure the recall of the grant of the Town-hall, but to issue a warrant against the lecturers, who were fined five shil- lings each by this sapient nuthority.—Moraing Chronicle. Afterwards Messrs. Shearman and Smith addressed a large assemblage of people in the market-place with much effeet and approbation.