The financial statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer produced a favourable effect upon the prices of the Government Securities; and on Tues- day Consols were done both for Money and Account at 100. But this quota- tion was not long maintained, the market having been depressed by the sales of the broker for the Scotch Banks : his operations were continued yester- day, when a further decline was produced ; the lowest quotation of the day marking a total decline of a per cent, viz. from 100 to 99a. The price ad- vanced a per cent this morning ; but has again given way, in consequence of the general pressure of sellers, and the large amount of every description of stock brought to market : the closing price of Consols is 99a, the lowest quota- tion of the day. The Government-broker has been a daily purchaser, and in fact the chief support of the market. The routine of fluctuation latterly has been, an improvement in the morning in anticipation of the Government pur- chases, and a decline in the latter part of the day from the excess of money- sales; the closing being generally, as it is today, nearly the lowest price. It is very generally repotted, that on Monday next the Chancellor of the Exchequer will propose a measure for the total extinction of the Scotch, Irish, and English local bank-note currency. It is stated that the act to be passed will provide for a return from all banks of issue of the amount of their present Circulation, and that they will be required, under heavy penalties, to cancel 10 per cent of the existing amount annually until the whole be extinguished. A provision would thus be made for the total extinction of all the local circula- tion in ten years ; after which period, the privilege of issuingnotes is to be vested Iblely in the Bank of England. By the last monthly return of the circulation of the United Kingdom, dated 12th April, it appears that the total amount of
bank-note circulation was £37,935,893 Whereof that of the Bank of England amounted to 20,842,000
as the gross amount of Country bank-notes in circulation. According to the reported plan of the Government, about 1,700,0001. of this circulation
Leaving £17,093,898
would be annually withdrawn.
Bank Stock Las not varied materially. India Stock has fallen; having de- clined first to 285, and today to 281: it has since improved to 284. The extreme depression was 81 per cent ; the price on the 26th April having been 2891.
The bill for regulating Savings-Banks will, by reducing the rate of interest paid to the depositors, and limiting the amount of each account to I50/., oc- casion the withdrawal of many sums from those establishments. The reduction of interest will be to the extent of a per cent per annum; and as it will affect 28,000,000/. of Stock, it will make a difference to the depositors of 100,000/. a year. The Lords of the Treasury met today at two o'clock to receive bidding:3 for another issue of Canadian Four per Cent Debentures to the extent of 300,0001.: but up to the period of closing the Stock Exchange, nothing was known as to the terms offered or accepted.
The business of the Foreign Market has not been of a very important cha- racter: prices generally are lower, particularly in the more speculative de- scription of Bonds. Portuguese Converted have declined 1 per cent, without the occurrence of any transactions of importance. Spanish Three per Cent Stock is more than I per cent, and Active Stork a per cent, below our last prices. Some extensive transactions have occurred ; and the operations seem to have been principally selling the Three per Cents and buying the Five per Cents. It is said that the negotiation for the loan has failed in Madrid ; and those who have purchased stock here, in anticipation of the success of the mea- sure, have been selling in order to get out. Mexican is slightly firmer. The South American Bonds are heavy ; the fluctuation of the English Funds ge- nerally governing those of the Foreign Bonds. Railway Shares are in demand ; the orders for purchase from the country being continuous and extensive. Croy don have risen about 11. Blackwa.% which have long been neglected, have improved to the same extent, in conse- quence of the promulgation of a scheme for a railway along the Kentish shore to Gravesend. The French lines are improving, and the applications for shares in a new company now forming for the construction of a railway from
Avignon to Marseilles are very numerous. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The English Stocks have been at an advance of a per cent upon the closing prices, but have receded, and are now as yesterday. No business has occurred in Bank or India Stock : 284 is bid for the latter, but there are no sellers. The business of the Foreign Market is quite unimportant, and prices are the same.
The following business has occurred in Shares. Railways—Birmingham and Gloucester, 96 5a ; Bristol and Ditto, 48a 9; Eastern Counties, 131 *; Ditto, New Register, 15; Great 'Western, 116; Ditto, Half-shares, 741; Birmingham, 231 ; Blackwell, 7a 1 ; Brighton, 451 4a ; Croydon. 19; Man- chester and Leeds, 111 ; North British, 24; North Midland, 91a ; South Eastern, 38 7a; York, North Midland, and Scarborough, 19; Del Monte
Mining Shares, Unregistered, 5. SATURDAY, Two o'ctoes.
The third portion of the Canadian Debentures was taken yesterday by the East India Company, at 112 I. The English Funds close at h per cent advance upon the morning's prices. There have been buyers of Consuls at 99/, but the closing quotation, both for Money and Account, is 991 a. Not a single bargain has occurred in Bank and India Stock ; the quotations given are quite nominal. The prices of the Foreign Funds generally are rather firmer, but no business of importance has occurred. Shares are more in demand ; and the following quotations of business actually occurring, shows an improvement since the morning in several of those most current : Railways—Birmingham and Gloucester, 96* ; Caledonian, 4a 8 ; Chester and Holyhead, 78 a; Great Western, 116a; Harwich (Locke's Line,) 3a 1; Birmingham, 232; Ditto, Quarter-Shares, 27*; Brighton, 45a 44a ; Greenwich, 4a ; South-western, 851 5 ; Manchester and Leeds, Quarter- Shares, 9a; Norwich and Brandon, 88 94 9a; Scarborough, 18*; Strasburg and Basle, 108 ; Bolanos, (Mining,) 78
3 per Cent Consuls 99t 5 Colombian ex Venezuela ... 145 15
Ditto for Account 99t I Danish 3 per Cents 88 9
3 per Cent Reduced 981 a Dutch 24 per Cents 6t a
3f per Cent Ditto 1011 I Ditto 5 per Cents 1001 f
New iii per Cents 102* 4 Mexican 5 per Cents .. 354 *
Bank Stock 193 7 Ditto Deferred 154. a Exchequer Bills prem. 75 7 Portuguese New 5 p.Cts.1841 444 54
India Stock 284 6 Russian 5 per Cents 117 18 Brazilian 5 per Cents ...... ... 80 2 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 244 * . Belgian 5 per Cents 102 I Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 35 1
Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4 'Venezuela Active 394 40i-