BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wanes
Mars. FM,' S per Cent. Consols ........
991 991 991
Ditto for Account
991 991 99*
991' 99 3 per Cents. Reduced
99 99 981
984 31 per Cents. Reduced
1021 1021 102
New 31 per Cents . •
102; 1031 1021
Long Annuities
121 121 121'
Bank Stock, 7 per cent.
1961 1964 1961
1974 .196 India Stock, 101
- - -
285 284 Exchequer Bills, ltd. p. diem
75 pm. 75 74
74 7
India Bonds. 31 per cent
94 pm.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - •Mexican 5 p. Ct.
5 - - Ditto (Deferred) 5
5 - 1021 exd Michigan 6
Brazilian 5 - 80/ Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 -
Buenos Ayres
6 - 36 Neapolitan 6 --
Cuba6 -- ----
New York (1858) 5 - 94 Chili= 6 -- -
Ohio 6 -
Columbian of 1824 6 - 141
Pennsylvania 5 -
Danish 3 - 88
Peruvian 6 994
Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 24 - 61*
Portuguese 5 - 794 Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 1001 French 3 -
Ditto (Converted) - Russian 5
Ditto 5 -- -
Spanish 5 -
Indiana (Sterling) 5 -
Ditto (Passive)
Illinois 6 - 40
Ditto (Deferred)
Kentucky 6 - 93
South Carolina 5 p. Ct.
Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - -
Teuuessee 6 -
Maryland (Sterling) 5 - -
United States Bank 284 Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 - -
Virginia. 6 -
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Mums- BANKS-
Bulanos - Australasian Brazilian Imperial 14 British North American
Ditto (St. John del Rey) 13/ Colonial
British Iron - Londou and Westminster Candonga - London Joint Stock Cobre Copper 301 National of Ireland
RAILWAYS- National Provincial
Edinburgh and Glasgow 661 Provincial of Ireland Eastern Counties 131 Union of Australia Grandluuction - Union of London Great Western.. 116 Dacus- Liverpool and Manchester - East and West Ladle London and Brighton 451 London London and Blackwell ....... 71 St. Katherine
Loudon and Greenwich 41 MISCELLANEOUS-
London and Birmingham 231* Australian Agricultural ..... ,. Loudon and Croydon 18/ British American Land Manchester and Leeds 1104 Canada Midland Couuties . . 90 General Steam North Midland 901 New Zealand South-eastern and Dover 37/ Royal Mail Steam South-western 851 South Australian York and North Midland 122 Van Diemen's Land. ...... ...
31. 17.. Pd. Copper. British Cakes.per ton 8451.150s0. to- 854 :Os ... IS 0 0 0 0111 Old ds.p.Fozei bg rn Pillar mr.e 0 0 I n, British Bars Mesie..n Dollars 0 4 9j Lead, British Pig.
Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 114 Steel, English 0 0 0 -
GRAIN, Mark Lane, May 3.
. .
Wheat, RedNesr50 I e 51 Rye NI ton Fine 54 .. 56 Barley.. . ..... 26 .. 27 Old 50 .. 54 Malting 30 .. al White 54 .. 56 Malt, Ordinary. 54 .. 56 Fine 56 .. 58 Fine 57 .. 59 SuperfineNew56 .. 60 Peas. Hog 80 .. 81 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN
Per Quarter (Imperial of Englandand Wales. Far the present Week.
Wheat 554. 54. Rye 82s. 10d. Wheat /74. Od Rye 10..04 Barley... .... 82 10 Beans ... . .. at 2 Barley ........ 6 0 Beans .. to 0
Oats ......... 50 0 Pea. al 4 Oats 6 0 Peas • .... . 10 0
BUTTER-Beet Fresh, IS.. do.. Carlow, 01.0e. to Ol. Os. per cwt. BACON, Smal101d, per cwt.... Os to Os. CHEESE. Cheshire Mt• 746.
Derby Plain 46s. to Site.
HAMS, York 70s. to 70.1
EGOS, French... per 11.0 3s. 94 .to 51.8d. per cwt. Molasses .... 22s. to 23.s. Od. per seta
Kent Pockets. 110s to 134.e. York Reds Choice Ditto 180 - 180 Scotch Reds Sussex Pockets 115 - 126 Devon* Fine Ditto 130 - 132 Kent and Essex Whites
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Loadof 36 Trusses.)
CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD- POSTMAN. WHITECHAPEL Hay,Good 704... 75. 50e... 70s Os... Cls 48s . 70..
Intoner 60 .. 65 0 .. 0 New 0 .. 0 .... 0 .. 0 .... 0 .. 0 ..... 0 .. 0 Clover 80 .. HD 88 .. 105 ..... 0 .. 0 00 .. 107
Wheat Straw ft .. as
NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• SMITHFIELD.. Beef 2s. 6d. to 8.. Od. to 8,4d. 2..10d. to as 44. ee 4e. 04. Mutton 3 8 .. 3 0 .. 8 a S 0 .. 3 8 .. 4 • Veal 5 0 .. s 8 .. 4 4 3 8 .. 4 4 .. 3 0 Perk II 9 ... 3 0 .. 4 0 a s . I II .. 4 • Leath ii 0 .. 0 0 .. a • ... .... S 8 ., • • .. g 8
15 25* 134 444 264
/14 44 28
. .
Maple to 241 White s2. as
Boilers 34 50
Beans,licks 28.. 30 Old 81 ..
Harrow 83..85
s. 5.
Oats,Feed ..W Fine .. .111..111.
Poland . 23 . fit
Fine v4..13
Potato 24 ..25
Fine 25 95
......... per sack 45s. to 502. Seconds 40 45 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 85 - 40
Norfolk and Stockton .. - 85 --VB
BRAN per quarter Os. to Os. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os. BREA D. did. to &Id. the 41b. Loaf. Average price of Muscovado Surir.... Us. 914I.
prima 60.. to 50s.
ye a 53 - 40
• To sink the offal-per albs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.
Beasts. Sheep • Calves. PIP:
dratday 660 ...,.... 9.620 333 140 alleltilaf ...... ... e .. ...... . woe 3,513 ...... e . OOPS ••••••• 103 ...... •• WO