ARRIVED—At Gravesend, 30th April, Glenmore, Barnett, from Batavia ; and trial Monat, from ('eylon. Off Rye, 25th. Christian Huggins, Butler, from Batavia. At Ply- mouth. 29th, Turnatin. APPIterson, from Calcutta. At Cork, 29th, Charles Jones, M'Fee, Srom China. At Botubay,3d March, M. S. Elphinstone, Lawson, from the Clyde; and 13th, Linton, Gillnian,froin Liverpool. At Calcutta, previous to 1411, March, Maria, Lonsdale; Ilirnam. Guthrie ; Mary Ray, Ellwood; and Vanguard. Garwood. from London. Jaeger. Reddiugton ; Pilgrim, Bawling ; R. Henderson. Hayward ; Laid- man's. Scott ; and Duncan, Heudrichsen. from Liverpool ; and Robertson. NPNeill, from the Clyde. At China, 14th Feb. Fairlie, from Loudon; Magnolia, John- son; and Canopus, Stroyan, from Liverpool. SAILED—From Gravesend, 29th April, Dowthorp, Marwood, for Bombay. From Liverpool, 27th Eleanor Russell, Jeffries. for China ; 28th. John Dugdale, Milward, Tor Ditto ; 29th, Paragon. Colman ; and Isabella Harnett, Newby, for Calcutta ; 30th, 'Delhi. Homer, for Bombay ; 2d May. Areta. Bacon. for Singapore ; and Quentin 'Leitch, Gray. for Bombay. From the Clyde, 25th April, Ellen, Rodger, for Singapore. SATURDAY MoBISING. Mum/so—At Cork. 30th April, William Woolley, Maughan, from Ceylon. At Ma- dras, 14th March. Roberts, Elder, from London. At Calcutta, 8th Ditto, Allahabad, Gothic, from Loudon.
The Amoy, —, was wrecked at the Saud Heads, Calcutta, previous to 14th March. •
The Eliza, Stewart was totally wrecked near Amoy previous to 26th January.