4 MAY 1861, Page 10


STOCK EXCRABGE, FRIDAY AF'TERNOON. nu Money Market is decidedly tighter this week, and the rates lave advanced to-5 per cent. oven upon the best bills. Considerable anxiety is -evinced as to -the position of the Greek houses; their accept, anees due toonorrow and Monday are known to be large, and it is believed they have failed in making arrangements to meet them. This has caused wilat tendency* all our Markets.

'The imports of gold during the week have amounted to -840,000,, and the ',exports 'bdow 40,000/.; and 116,000/. has been withdrawn from the Bank.

Consols _for Account, 911 Money, 91; New Three per Cents., 90*; -Reduced, 90* : India Five er Cents., 104, 102; Great West- ern, 72*, f ; North-Western, 95k„- Midland, 124, 124; South-West- ern, 95; Les, 110i, ; Great Northern, 111, 112; Caledonian, 97/- ; Dover, 84; Blaokivall, 60, 61; Brighton, 118, 120; North-British, 64; Jimeticrn and /North Midland, 911;921 ; Lombardo, *, k dis. ; Eastern Counties, 44, 50. itailwej shares have been unfavourably influenced, the contingency of dearer money, -reduced traffics, and the unsatisfactory-clue:actor of the American news. They are now nearly all from to J. per cont, lower, with the exception of Great-Western, which has advanced J4 per cent. on the reported traffic arrangement with the Gxford.and Worcester Company. There has been a fall in Americans. Illinois are 10 dollars, and Eries 6 dollars lower than this day-week; Lorahardo-Venetians have advanced 1/.

The intelligence from America is themost -serious yet 'received. Civil war is now raging at severallifferent points, and the border States have seceded, Whilst some of them have openly 'resisted the; Federal authority. The Southerners, on the other hand, are tting outinivateera. 1,aehoueeeeding -arrival will bring flaws of further measures ; but meanwhilethere.does not seem to be any steps actually taken to promote a ,rwnlar _pitched battle at any particular point. Events, however, are tending in that direction, and it seems just pos- sible that the scene of it may *lieu the south of Washington. In Foreign ttooirs there has-been a rise of nearly 4 per cent., in consequence of the'receipt of an official assurance from Constanti- nople that the.proceeds of the duties hypothecated as security to the bondholders shall be sent to london month by month.

Mexicans are heavy at a decline el t per cent; Brazil Five per Cents, 98, 100; Buenos Ayres, 88, 90; Buenos Ayres Deferred, 2n, -28i • Chili-Six per Cents, 100, 102 ; Chili Four-ando,-Half per Cents, 81, SW; Dutch Tour per Cents, '98/, 91; Dutch Two-and- Half per Cents, -631, 64i; Ecuador, 12/,13; Mexican, 231 24; Perirvum Pour-and-a-Half -per .Cents, 94, 95; Peruvian Three-and- HalfperCents, ni, 74 Portuguese Three per Cents, 47, 17i; Rus- sian Five per Ceuta, 101f, 102/- ; Russian Four-and—Half per Cents, 91, 92; Spanish'Three per Cents,Stt, 51; Spanish Three per Cents Deferred, 42, 44; Passive, 16..1, 17 ; 'Certificates, 51; Turkish, 71*, 72-I; New, .1858, 56*, 57; New our per Cents, 1.00i, 1034-; Sar- dinian, 80, 82; 'Victor Emmanuel, 95, 96.

Westmmster Bank, .64, 67*; Union Bank, 25, 26 ; London and County Bank, 35, 36.