3 per Cent Coissols
Ditto for Account 3 Per Cents Reduced
New 3 per cents
Annuities 1880 Annuities 1885 Bank Stook, 10 per Cent ..... India Stock, 104 per Cent Exchequer Bills, 2d. per diem
Exchequer Bonds, 5001
India Bonds, 4 per
BRITISH F UND.S. (Closing Prices.) Friday.
.914 913
so 90 'Friday 232 222 6 dis die die Belgian — Dittol 24 —
Brazilian 5—
Buenos Ayres 6 — Chili= 6 — Danish 5 — Ditto . — Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) —24 — Ditto 4 — French 8 Mexican Peruvian. - Portuguese 1653 3 --- — Russian 5
— Sardinian a —
— Spanish 8 — — Ditto New Deferred 8 — Ditto Passive Turkish .8 — Venezuela- .3 FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation dnringtthe Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian. Op. Ct. — nch 44p. Ct. a 44 —
• -
264 50/ 424 17 711 SHARES.
(Lest Official Quotation daring the Week ending Fridley Evening.) RAILWAYS—
Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Chester and Holyhead Eastern Counties Edinburgh and Glasgow Glasgow and South-Western
Greet Northern,..
Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire 1.aneaoter and Carlisle Loud., Brighton, & South Coast London and Blaakwall London and North-Western London and-South-Western Matichester,Sheffield &Lincoln Midland Midland Gt. Western (Ireland) North British North-Eastern—Berwiek North-Eastern—York Oxford,Wor.& Wolverhampton Scottish Central Scottish Midland South-Eastern and Dover Eastern of France East Indian Geelong and Melbourne Grand Trunk of Canada...— Great Indian Peninsular GreatiVestern of Canada Paris and Lyons
Australian Brazilian Imperial
Ditto St. John del Rey
Cobre Copper Rhymney Iron
84 Australasian
British North American _ City 494 Colonial Commercial of London Engl. Scottish &AustraLChrtcl
112 London...........
— Londonand County 724 Lend. Chrtd. Bank of Australia 1104 London Joint Stock 2024 London and Westminster • 120 National Bank 60 National Provincial 954 New South Wales 954 Oriental
434 Ottoman
1244 Provincial of Ireland — South Australia
634 Union of Australia
1084 Union-of 'London ;NH -
— Dome—
East and West India London 824 St. Katharine Victoria
- Australian Agricultural 204 British American Land 974 Canada 114 Crystal 'Palace Electric Telegraph General Steam London Discount National Discount 314 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South Australian 73 BANK OF ENGLAND.
An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the Week ending on Wednesday, the let day of May, 186L
351 23 804 664
101 -474
164 32 254
4sk 394 32
£26,514,950 Government Debt £11,011,100 Other-Securities 8,459,900 Gold Coin and Mullion '11,326,498 Silver Bullion 718,452 £26,514,950 Z26,514,950
£35,165,398 Government Securities (inclu-
ding Dead Weight Azuanity)B10,272,938
Other Securities 17,886,117
Notes' '6,207,640
Gold and-Silver Coin 798,698 £35;165,398 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National.Debt, and Dividend Account. Notes issued Proprietors' Capital E-14,553,000 Rest 3,180,173 Public Deposits* 5,578,523 Other Deposits 11.180,811
Seven Days and other Bills 062,591