The French Parliament is sitting, but little of importance has
oc- curred, and letters are still filled with stories of Prince Napoleon and the pamphlet of the Due d'Aumale and the " affaire Mires. M. Mires is still, kept in close peyentive arrest, and forbidden to see any one except the members of his own family. M. Mires has appealed to the Cour Imp6riale, but his imprisonment is not relaxed, and he has been deprived of his management of the Constitutionnel and Pays, papers owned by companies who appointed him manager and have not withdrawn their trust.
Copper mines of value have been discovered in Savoy, and many applications have been made to Government by wealthy capitalists for liberty to work them. The local administration advertises de- scriptions of these mines, their situation, and their capabilities. A commercial treaty with Belgium has been finally concluded. The Emperor of the French has congratulated the Queen of Spain on the reunion of San Domingo to the Spanish Crown. It is re- ported that the Spanish Government has pledged itself not to extend slavery to the island, and General Santana, in his address to the Dominicans, promises them their natural liberties. He defends the an- nexation, because it secures peace, and relieves the country from danger on the side of Hayti. Greffiard, President of the Idaytian Republic, formally protests against Spanish intrusion in an island to which, he says, she has no more right than to Mexico, or any other land peopled by men of Spanish descent.