4 MAY 1861, Page 4

At the annual meeting of the London City Mission, in

Exeter Hall, some interesting facts were stated. The number of mis- sionaries employed last year was 389, who had paid 1,815,332 visits, of which 237,799 were to the sick and dying; 7383 visited adults had died, of whom 1796 were visited only by the missionary; 11,45& copies of the Scriptures and 2,721,738 tracts had been distributed ; 361 unmarried couples had been induced to marry, and 681 fallen women rescued; 10,158 children had been sent to school, and 4489 outdoor and 41,777 indoor services and Bible classes had been held.

Penny banks, clothing and coal clubs bad been established with great success in various parts of the metropolis : 1,000 cabmen, nearly one in five of those employed in London, had joined the cabmen's club; one of the prizes for an essay on Sunday rest had been awarded to the driver of a London cab, and the number of six-day cabs had greatly increased.

The Protestant Reformation Society held its meeting in the Hanover-square Rooms on Monday, Lord Calthorpe presiding. The report stated that the special mission to the Roman Catholics of Great Britain had proved eminently successful. The committee had never lost sight of the original object of the society, which was to bear

public and faithful testimony- against the grievous errors of Popery,

and for the purpose of securing that result upwards of 150 lectures had been delivered by the secretaries, or by clergymen of well-known ability. The financial report showed that the income of the society during the year had been 4454/. 13s. 4d., the expenditure had been 40201. 16s. 5d., and the balance in hand was 4331. 16s. 11d. The Bishop of Ripon and Dr. Cumming took a prominent part at this gathering. The Wesleyan Missionary Society, founded by Wesley himself,. also met on Monday. From the report of its affairs, read at the annual meeting in Exeter Hall, it appears that the income is 140,6781. and the expenditure 140,9211. The society boast of 540 central or principal stations called circuits, 4168 chapels or preaching places, 815 ministers and assistant missionaries, 135,148 full and accredited church members, 18,257 persons on trial for church membership, and 128,374 scholars. The faithful made up the deficiency by donations. tendered on the spot. The Church Missionary Society met in Exeter Hall on Tuesday, the Earl of Chichester in the chair. The Bishops of London, Dur- ham, Ripon, Winchester, and Carlisle, Mr. Arthur Kinnaird, and Mr. Joseph Napier, were present. The total income of this society is 129,1821.; the expenditure 145,8221., a good part of the deficit having been expended in India. The Clare Market Ragged Schools and Refuge Society is in want of funds. Only 2001. a year is required to support the school, only 170/. was subscribed. These schools do much good and should be supported by the public.