4 MAY 1867, Page 2

Sir Stafford Northeote is quite in a pet with the

public for accusing him of confiscating gas dividends. The opposition, however, has induced him to come to a compromise with the Companies, and the Bill as amended will apparently secure to the public 14-candle gas at 3s. 6d., but leave the Companies free to divide 10 per cent. If they want more than that they must give better gas. The only objection to this arrangement is that it still condemns us to be poisoned with bad gas. The Companies ought to be allowed to earn 100 per cent. if they can, but com- pelled to give us, at lowest, 22-candle gas. They can do it if they- like, and if they move their establishments, and we trust Mr. Ayrton,,the only man who stands up for the consumers, will make them. Pure gas is bright gas, and therefore cheap gas. If Sir S. Northcote, too, will just keep his temper, and not abuse people for sending petitions which he need not read, the chances of a settlement will be increased. What is it to him if people like to waste stationery ?