4 MAY 1901, Page 14


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The following extract from a judgment delivered by Lord Chief Justice Cockburn in the Court of Queen's Bench (" Wason v. Walter," LR 4 QB at p. 93) may interest your readers :— " Whatever disadvantages attach to a system of unwritten law, and of these we are fully sensible, it has at least this advan- tage, that its elasticity enables those who administer it to adapt it to the varying conditions of society, and to the requirements and habits of the age in which we live, so as to avoid the incon- sistencies and injustice which arise when the law is no longer in harmony with the wants and usages and interests of the genera- tion to which it is immediately applied."

Is not this the legal aspect of the principle to which the writer of the article on " Questions and Answers in the Gospels " in the Spectator of April 27th gave the theological application ?