NEW Enirrous.—Trade Union Law. By Herman Cohen. (Sweet and Maxwell.
6s. net.)—This is largely a new book, much having changed in the six years which have passed since the first' edition was published.—Another book which is virtually new is a volume of the new issue of "Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel," Australasia, Vol. I., "Australia and New Zealand," by J. W. Gregory, F.R.S., D.Sc. (Edward Stanford, 15s.) We may be able to return to it, but it must suffice for the present to say that not only is the physical condition of the country described by a thoroughly' competent observer, but the social and political questions of the Common- wealth, with its constituting States, and of New Zealand, are discussed.—In the " World's Classics" (H. Frowde, 2 vol s., Is.), The History of Pendennis, by W. M. Thackeray.—In the series of the " Sisley Books" (Sisley's, Is. net per vol), Mazinis of Napoleon; /dyne of the King, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, with an Introduction by Mr. Gilbert Fell ; Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau; Salammbb, by Gustave Flaubert ; The Black Tulip, by Alexandre Dumas ; Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brenta.