4 MAY 1907, Page 28

Sunny Singapore. By the Rev. T. A. Bethune Cook. (Elliot

Stock. 5s. net.)—The main purpose of this volume is, as may be supposed, to give an account of the missionary work that has been carried on at Singapore and elsewhere. Other places are included in the author's plan. We hear, for instance, of Macao and Canton, and, in connexion with them, of Robert Morrison ; of Malacca and Hong-kong, and, together with them, of W. Milne and James Legge. (Mr. Cook should have repeated the saying of Professor Legge that Oxford was a delightful place after Hong- kong.) Mr. Cook has many interesting things to tell us ; he shows us what has been done, and indicates how much remains to be accomplished. Of course there are immense difficulties to be overcome, some cropping up where one would hardly expect them