The Bade Question in Canada. By Andrd Siegfried. (Eveleigh Nash.
7s. 6d.)—This is an interesting book, which, however, an English reviewer feels constrained to treat with a certain reserve. It would be easy to give offence, for instance, while discussing the delicate question of the relation of French Canada to the British Empire. "Canada will not become French again ! Let us admit it." M. Siegfried frankly admits the loyal conduct of the British element; but he deplores the fact that this element is dominant. It pains him that Montreal does not look as French as it really is. In a way, however, he seems to answer himself. The France of the present day, in fact the France that came out of the Revolution, is not the France to which the French-Canadian looks. He is the docile follower of the Roman Church, and to that Church, as it is to be seen in Canada, the anti-clerical country ruled by such politicians as M. Combes and M. Clemencean is hateful. And while the anti-clerical politician is abhorred, the clerical element itself is regarded with suspicion. The French priest who offers his services to a Canadian Bishop will commonly meet, says M. Siegfried, with scant courtesy. Are the Canadian prelates afraid that they are infected with the heresies of Abb6 Loisy ? In Canada, it would seem, to criticise the Syllabus of Pins IX. is immoral. Among the phases of the race question is the future relation between the United States and Canada. M. Siegfried writes with moderation, but we gather that he is not a little disappointed not to find his compatriots in Canada more French than they are.