On the 29th ult., at tte Vicarage, Barking, the Hon. Hrs. Ammar Lusnam, of a song On the 27th ult., at Ebley House. Gloucester, the Lady of PETER LLVERs/10E, Esq., of a daughter.
flu the 29t1t ult., at Conishead Priory, Lancashire, the Lady of EDWARD E. G. Bain.:
BTU, EST. of a son. MARRIAGES. On the 25th ult., at Kilnasula Church, the Rev. Alumna Maarirman. M.A.. lets Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. to ANNE, second daughter of the late Six Eduard O'Brien. Bart., of Dromulauth in the county of t'lare. Ou the 31st ult., at Carshalton. Surry, JOHN FORNSOR Ilgant care. of Lincoln's Ingt. shiest son of Richard Etlensor Ileatlicote, of Longue) Hall, Staffordshire, to MARK ANNA, only surviving danghter of the late Rev. Thomas Sandford, of Saudfonl HalL °lithe 2fith ult.. at Holl. the Rev. JOSEPH MURILHAM PARRY. M.... Vicar of Musks. liam.curn.11olme, Nottingham, to ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the late William Bar- wick, Esq., of loll Lodge. Norfolk. On the 26th ult., at Worth. the Rev. CHARLES BUCKNER. M.A., eldest son of the late Colonel Buckner, C.D., of Wyhe, near Chichester, to GEORGIANA MART, young- cot daughter or the Rev. George Maximilian Bethune Bethune, LL.D., Rector or
Worth. Sussex. DEATHS.
On the 29th ult., at her residence, Teiginnouth, Devon. SUSAN Dowager Viseou nem EXMOUTH. Relict of the Right lion. Edward Viscount Exmouth, G.C.B., Vice-Admiral of England, in her 83.1 year. On the 21st ult.. soddenly. at Rugby. Lieut. Col. JOHN MARSHALL. formerly of the 14th Foot, in his 56th sear. On the 18th ult., at Wild Oak Cottage, near Taunton. Lieut. Col. Joust MILL*, late of the Royal Scots Greys. On the 28th ult., at the Rectory. East Farndon. Northamptonshire, the Rev. Thomas FRENCH LAURENCE. late of Si. John's College, Oxford. On the 26th ult., at her house, Gay Street. Bath, CATHERINE, Widow of Benjamin Roebuck, Esq., late of the NI adi as Civil Service, East Indies, in her 76th year. On the 31st ult., at Leamington, Lieutenant-General ROBERT BALFOUR. of Ba&- biroie, Fifeshire, and Carlton House Terrace. London.
On the 14th tilt.. at Carlow. the Iti.hop of KILDARE and !Amours. On the 30th ult., at Waliner, Kent, Capt. Dowers, R.N., late Governor of the Royal. Naval Hospital at that place. in his86th year. On the 17th tilt., at Killiney. Timex tuns, youngest son of H. Ettas. of Ecclew Street, Dublin ; on the 21st, ALEXANDER, his second son; and on the 22d. SARAIL, bite youngest daughter. On the 30th tilt., WILLIAM Tuna, Esq., of Kingston upon Hull, in his 86th year; and on the 27th ult., Arina, his youugest daughter. On the 22,1 ult.. at the manse of Ribuadock, the Rev. PATRICK MURRAY. D.D., Minister of that parish, in his ;Ali year. At Beverley, in IDS 52,1 year. Mr. JOHN COULSON. His death MRS awfully sudden, and took place while in a fit of immielerate laughter, to which he was always so much addicted, that big acrpiaintance called him Laughing Jack." Mrs. MARY WILLIAMS, of Cluraellfawr. Anglesey, in her 96th year. She lived In matrimony for 63 years ; survived her husband, all her chihlren. all her grandchildren all her areat-grandeltildren. hut seven, and one great-great-grantIchild. At North Shields, JANE, Witlow of Mr. Tlumna.., Wood. in ller 102d year. She to!- lowed the employment of washerwoman up to her 90th year.