4 NOVEMBER 1843, Page 20


Tuesday, Oct. 31.


Promoli and Hausburg. Liverpool, jewellers— Routledge and Knight. Bridge Road, Lambeth, linendrapers—Hale and Arch, Birmingham, maltsters—Prebbleand Foskett, Newgate Market, meat-salesmen—H. J. and A. Stevens, Little Tower Street, printers —Learoyd and Lomas, Pontefract, Hnendmpers—Allen Brothers. Birmingham, linen- drapers; as far as regards J. Allen—Norfolk and Reilly. Cheltenham. veterinary surgeons—Mold town Colliery—Triggs and Busby. Guildford, watchmakers—Russell and Creaden. Reading. wool-merchants—Carter and Wright, West Kent Wharf. South- wark, wharfingers—Purdie and Barns, Adalia. Asia Minor. merchants —Nunn and Sams. Bury St. Edmund's. attoruies—Reynolds and Sons, Saxlingham-mills, Norfolk. millers—Riley and Co. Fouiridg,e. near Collie, chemical-liquor-manufacturers ; as far as regards W. Catlow—Randles and Robinson, Liverpool. timber-dealers—Aldam's Mill Company, Dewsbury. and Hall and Co. Aldermanbury, woollen manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Fozard—J. and F. Binge, Clement's Inn, pawnbrokers—Holbeck and Co. New Bond Street. embroiderers—J. and H. Moore, Bridgewater Gardens, Barbican, lamp-cotton-makers.


Rush junior, Norwich, lately a cattle.dealer —Bayley. Deptford, ironmonger — Shardlow, Sutton Bonington, Nottinghamshire, blacksmith—Casement. West Street, Bermondsey, carpenter—Tilly. Salisbury Street, Strand, lodging-housekeeper—Piotex, Kenton Street. Brunswick Square, milliner—Butler. Coweross Street. cheesemonger- Norris, Daleton, commission-agent—Butt. Whetstone. Middlesex. harness-maker- Carter. St John Street, house-agent—Taylor, Macclesfield, licensed victualler—Brad- ley. Netherton. Yorkshire, out of business—Thompson, Liverpool, debt collector- Leapman, East Mount Terrace. Whitechapel Road, jet-manufacturer —Blenkin, Leeds, beer-house keeper—Green, Biugley. Yorkshire, greengrocer—Hale, Parker Street, Drury Lane, bedding-manufacturer —Beeforth, Leeds, pattern-manufacturer—Salter, Bradford, warehouseman—Williams. Llanrwst. Denbigshire. tiuman—Button, Wake. field, watchmaker—Smith. Albany Road, Camberwell, clerk in her Majesty's Customs —Sootten, Francis Street, Waterloo Road—Poole junior, Market Street, Clerkenwell, out of business—Thom, Blackburn. travelling-draper—Bell. Pendre Cottage, near Bolywell, Flintshlre, auctioneer --Newman, Wellington Place, Stepney. grocer— Collings, Maze and Mill Lane. Southwark, mast-maker—Field. Little Carter Lane. boot maker—Harris, Clarence Place, Camberwell, saddler—Harrissenior, Greenwich, mnsicalenstrumentmaker. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.

BURGESS, SAMUEL, Dunstable, tailor.


GRAND, ROBERT. Old Jewry Chambers. merchant, to surrender Nov. 10. Dec. 13: solicitors. Messrs. Crowder and Maynard, Coleman Street; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street, LECESNE, LEWIS CELESTE, Fenchurch Buildings, merchant, Nov. 14, Dec. 12: soli- chore, Messrs. Gregson and Co. Angel Court, Throgmorton Street. official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

MASON, Miriam's, Bury St. Edmund's, coach-proprietor, Nov. 8, Dec. 13: solicitors. Messrs. Turuer and Hensman, Basing Lane ; official assignee, Mr, Johnson, Basing- hall Street.

MORLEY, HENRY WILLIAM, Dean Street, Soho, tailor, Nov. 10, Dec. 13 : solicitors. Messrs. Rixon and Son, Jewry Street; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings, PICKFORD. WILLIAM, and CLArroe. Herter GAME, Bristol, warehousemen. Nov. 13, Dec. 12 : solicitors, Messrs. White and Eyre, Bedford Row; and Mr. Short, Bristol ; official assignee. Mr. Hutton, Bristol.

PHILLIPS. JOHN, Hall Court, Old Broad Street. tailor. Nov. 10, Dec. 13: solicitor. Young. Tokenhouse Yard ; official assignee, Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings, DIVIDENDS.

Nov. 23, Watson, Combill. flagmanufacturer—Nov. 23, Bradley, Great Titchfleld Street, printer—Nov. 21, Hitch. Kiuguland. grocer—Nov. 21. Potts. Blackheath Road. builder—Nov. 21, Sumner, Reading. builder—Nov. 21. Wilshiu, Reading. draper—. Nov. 21, Feaver, Ludgate Hill, mercer—Noy. 21. Fawcett, St. John Street. coach- builder—Nov. 25. Lambert. Leeds, cloth merchant—Nov. 23,.. E. and G. Wright, Bed- min, brewers—Nov. 24 Scott. Flint, ironmaster—Nov. 23, Crowe. Sunderland. ion- keeper—Nov. 21. Pearson, Workington, Cumberland, chemist —Nov. 25, Atkinson, Birmingham. jeweller—Nov. 22, Wilson and Co. Derby, colour manufacturers—Nov. 22. D. and J. B. Smith, 'Liverpool, cotton-epiuners—Nov. 22. Jellieoe, Bilston, iron- master—Nov. 29, Tutin, Birmingham, builder—Nov. 22, Hall, Walsall, currier—Nov. 22. Lloyd. Market Deeping, grocer—Nov. 22, Smith, Manchester. hop-merchant- Nov. 29, Harris. Birmingham, glass.manufacturer—Nov. 27, Blumenthal, Birming- ham, wine-merchant—Nov. 21, Bumpstead. Halesworth. grocer.


To be granted. avekss cause be shows to the contrary, on theday fseezi.

Nov. 21, Jeans. Poole, postmaster—Dec. 5 Parieute, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, merchant—Nov. 22, Royston, Manchester, yarn-dealer. To be granted, unless cause be shouns to the contrary, on or before Nov. 21.

Brovrnlow, Marton, Lincolnshire. maltster—Salter, Davies Street, builder—Heath. cote. Sheffield, spring knife manufacturer—Fortune. King's Cross, cabinet-manufan- turer— Reynolds and Fairbank. Sheffield, builders—Wright, Exeter, builder—Hilton, Over Darwen, Lancashire. bleacher—Roberts. New Bond Street, coal-merchants- Nixon, Beaton, ironmonger—Kilpin, Isle of Wight, watchmaker.


Casacuberta, Manchester, merchant ; second div. of ls. 3d. on Nov. 14, or any sub- sequent Tuesday; Mr. Pots. Manchester—Bennett. Manchester. calico-printer ; second div. of Is. 3d. on Nov, 7, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Stanway. Manchester— France. Manchester, cotton-manufacturer; second div. of 2s. on Nov. 7, or any sable. Tient Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester.


ALLAN, WILLIAM, Leith. writer, Nov. 3. 24.

ateci.Av, J., junior, Montrose. merchant, Nov. 3. 24.

PATIVCK. D., or Mosalsoe. and MORRISON, J., Falkirk, farmers, Nov. 4, ao. Ware, J., Cumnock, Ayrshire, ironmonger. Nov. 7, 30.

Friday, Oct. 3.


Millbrook Iron Company. Swansea, ironfaunders ; as far as regards J. Morris—L. dere Colliery Company, Swansea, coal-owners—Nichols and Co. Lougton. Stafford- shire, earthenware.mantifacturers — Lund and Whitehead, Keighley. Yorkshire, worsted.manufacturers—Goodbody and Lewis, Stratford, coach-spring-makers —Chap- mad and Co. Liverpool, wholesale-stationers—F. and W. Cowl) n. Devouport, mercers —Lambert and Co. Bristol. merchants—S. and T. Bowler, Manchester, spindle-makers —Watson and MacKenzies. Liverpool, merchants —J. and J. Thorp. Manchester muslin- manufacturers--Lece and Co. Bristol, woollen-drapers—Harris and Bucksey. Exeter, grocers—Fitton and Co. Stakehill. Lancashire, farmers—S. and S. Mason, Kinston-on- Thames. builders—Seward and Pinder. Rugby. upholsterers—Carter and Smith, Liver- pool, wine-dealers—Freeu and Co. Tuscany Wharf. Kingsland Road, cement-manu- facturers — E. B. and G. G. Read. Littleton, Southampton. farmers—J. and A. Duff, Stockbridge, coal-merchants—Taylor and Co. Fore Street, Llmehouse, brewers ; as far as regards J. D. Taylor.

DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT, Chapman, Cullum Street, cooper —Elam, Birstall, Yorkshire, card-maker—Stevens, Upper Queen Street. Islington, out of employ — Duyek, Princes Square. Rateliff High- way, foreman to an oil refiner—Bassett, Grey Terrace. Newiugtou, clerk--Evans, Bed- ford Square East, Stepuey. traveller—Yeomans, Whetstone, baker—Greville„ High Street, Hoxton. butcher —Whitehorn Berkluimstead, tail,r—Oram. West Square, clerk

Turner, Wakefield. Yorkshire. butcher—Mellor. Almondbury, cloth-merchant-- Millard. Warren Street, Fitzroy Square, out of business—Parkin. Wakefield, beer- house-keeper. —Speak. Halifax. carner'sagent—Palcwkar. Upper Fountain Place, St. Luke's, tobacconist—Gray, Harborue. victualler—Asquith, Bradford, Yorkshire. botcher—Roberts. Haverfordwest. Excise-officer—Burrow. Langdon. farmer—Am- bridge, Brewer Street. Somers Town, corn dealer— Langley, Webber Street. Westmin. star Road. coach-spring maker—Darkin. Aldgate, livery-stable-keeper — Maguire, Temple Place, Blackfriars Road—Hague, Duke Street, Si, James's, lately a school' mistress—Sinclair, Wandsworth Road, fruiterer—Serjeant. Leeds, painter—Lee, Tox- teth Park, locker—Lindridge, Maidstone. news-agent—Bradshaw, Blackburn, attor- ney—Sutton. Winstone, near Cirencester, out of business—Hampshaw. Leeds, out of business—Scott, Easton Square.

BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED, SHARPE, R. junior, Faversham, Kentra


Gnats. Thomas HILSom, Bow, omulbus proprietor, to surrender Nov. 16, Dec. 12; solicitor. Mr. Lewis, Arundel Street ; official assignee. Mr. Turquand. Old Jewry. Gwynn', HENRY, Chalfont, Cheshire, innkeeper, Nov. 15, Dec.6: solicitors, Mr. Cole, Adelphia Terrace ; Messrs. J. and T. Roscoe. Kuutsford ; official assignee. Mr. Hobson, Manchester.

LAWES. Groaoe, Southampton, tailor. Nov. 14, Dec. 13: solicitors. Messrs. Dawes and Sous, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street ; official assignee. Mr. 1..ackington, Cole- man Street Buildings. MUIE, GEORGE. Newcastle upon.Tyne, draper. Nov. 15, Dec. 12: solicitors, Mr. Plumptree. Temple ; Mr. Cram, Newcastle-upon Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne. Some Jous, Liverpool, draper, Nov. 15. Dec. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street; and Mr. Dodge, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Cazeuove, Liverpool. TIPPLE, JASPER Howse, Wymoudham. Norf bombazine.manufacturer, Nov. 10, Dec. 20: solicitors, Mr. Burcham. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Dalrymple. Norwich; offi- cial assignee. Mr. Johnson. Basingliall Street. WARREN, WILLIAM. Wilmslow, Cheshire, blacksmith, Nov. 15, Dec. 13: solicitors, Mr. Nethersole, Essex Street; and Mr. Foster, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr.

Pott, Manchester. TM MENDS. Nov. 29. Polak, Newport. Monmouthshire, woollentImper—Dec. 5, Sleeman, Teuby, wine-merchant —Dec. 13, Lewis, Haverfordwest, cabinet-maker—Nov. 28, Bell and Davison, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. earthen ware.manufacturers —Nov. 28, Walker, Monk- wearmouth, brewer—Nov. 25, Radclyffe, Birmingham, stationer.


To Sc- granted. wiles cause be shown to the contrary, on Me day of meeting.

Dec. 12, Pritchard, Witney, Oxfordshire, ironfounder—Nov. 25, Walker, Pall Mall East, pastrycook—Nov. 24. Reid, Waterloo Place, Middlesex, irolemanufacturer- Nov. 29, Polak, Newport, Moumouthshire, woollendraper— Dec. 1, Harris, Leicester uare, carpet-warehouseman— Nov. 27, Brown, Haverfordwest, linendraper—Nov. 21. Gregory, Sheffield, manufacturer of table knives—Dec. 4, Hazard and Bingham; Sheffield, merchants—Nov. 29, Muuden, Barwick. Somersetshire, flax-spinner— Nov. 28, Osborn, Aston-juxta-Birmingham, banker—Nov. 29, Oldham. Manchester, wine- merchant—Nov. 27, Humble. Manchester, grocer—Nov. 28, Boulton and Co. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nov. 24, Bull, Dilhoru. Staffordshire, farmer—Griffiths, Eufield, draper—Howarth, Manches- ter, drysalter—Harris, Chichester. hotel.keeper—Chapman, Pullin's Place, Islington, cowkeeper —Nash, York, mustard manufacturer —Varty, St. Paul's Churchyard, mer- chant—Buchanan and Cunningham, Liverpool. merchants —Parsous, Pontardawe, Glamoganshire, ironfonnder.


Watson, York, silk-mercer; first div. of 6s. 8d. on Nov. 13, or any subsequent day ; Mr. Youug, Leeds—Hall, Narberth, Pembrokeshire, draper ; div. of 2t. 3d. on Nov. 8, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Miller, Bristol.


MiLLAR, J., Edinburgh, provision merchant. Nov. 9, Dec. 4. Rome, J. and CRAIG. J., junior, Glasgow, upholsterers, Nov. 9,30. Youso, 3., Glasgow-manufacturer, Nov. 9,30.