Business has been on a more extensive scale here for the last few days than for some time; and the result of some considerable purchases of both Three per Cent and Three-and-a-half per Cent Stock has been a general rise in every description of Government Security of from * to 1 per cent. The market now presents a very firm appearance, and there is every prospect of the pre- sent improvement being permanent. The Foreign Funds generally have been the objects of much speculation, and there appears to be a disposition to purchase almost every class of Stock. The improvement has consequently been nearly universal; Dutch, Brazilian, Belgian, Danish, and Russian Bonds, with all the better description of Secu- rities, being at an advance upon our last quotations. The fluctuation has been the greatest in Spanish, Mexican, Peruvian' and the Non-Dividend Stocks. Spanish Three per Cent Stocks, after much fluctuation, may be quoted more than 21 per cent in advance of the quotation of Monday. The whole of the rise has indeed occurred since yesterday morning ; the Stock which was then done at 30* having today been 328, and, after considerable fluctuation, closing at 31i 2. The Active Bonds are also at an advance of about 2 per cent, though the transactions in them have not been so important as in the Three per Cents. This improvement is the more remarkable, as by the last Lisbon mail we received advices of disturbances at Vigo; but intelli- gence of these proceedings had not reached Madrid at the date of the last arrival from that city; and their effect has been more than counteracted here by the general complexion of the intelligence from the other parts of Spain. A. slight depression occurred in Portuguese Converted Stock upon the arrival of the mail; but the market has since recovered itself, and prices are nearly the same as in our last report. Mexican Bonds advanced suddenly today from 31 to 33, upon the circulation of a report that the Government are about to withdraw the agency from the house now acting for them. This quotation has not, however, been supported; and the Bonds close at about 32. An advertisement has appeared from Messrs. POWLES, the former agents of the Colombian Government, stating their readiness, on and after the 24th in- stant, to pay a dividend at the rate of 5s. 6d. per cent upon the half of the old Columbian Debt apportioned to the state of New Grenada. This dividend, which will amount to 2s. 9d. per cent upon the Bonds known in the language of the market as "Columbian ex Venezuela," does not appear to be the result of any remittance from that country, but to have accrued from some former transac- tions between Messrs. FOWLES and the Government. This circumstance has canoed an improvement of about * per cent in the Stock. Among the Shares, those of the St. John Del Rey Mining Company con- tinue to improve, and are today done at 131. The principal advance in the Railway Shares occurs in those of the Birmingham and Gloucester line; in which, since Monday, we note a rise of 6/. per share. Most of the other Railway Shares have also risen, though not to the extent of more than 1/. per share; but this improvement being nearly universal, it may be taken as an in- dication of a general disposition for investment in this description of security.
: The English Funds are firm at yesterday's prices, with but few transactions. In the Foreign Market the principal transactions have occurred in Spanish Stock; bath which varieties, after some fluctuation, are now at a slight advance upon the closing quotations of yesterday. The other Foreign Stocks are unchanged. The Share business, though of a very general character, does not mark any change in prices, which are nearly the same. We have to note the occurrence of the following bargains : Birmingham and Derby, Third Shares, 161 ; Eastern Counties, 91; Great Western, Quarter Shares, 65I; Birmingham, 2161; Ditto, New Quarter Shares, 24 ; Croydon, Scrip, 81; Midland Counties, 80; South-eastern and Dover, 28i; Ditto, Scrip, 281 ; York and North Mid- land, New Shares, 57.
There were, at one period of the day, buyers of Consols, both for Money and Account, at 961; the mrrket is, however, now rather flatter, and closes at the morning's %notations.
The Foreign Funds are generally without material variation: Spanish Three per Cents, after being 31,1. closest 31/ 32; and the Active is 22* 1; Colom- bian ex Venezuela have been done at 12—a s'ight improvement. We have to notice the following business in Shares in addition to the her- gains noticed in the morning : Mines—Bolanos, Scrip, 7b i ; Del Monte, De- bentures, both Black and Red 191: Banks—Provincial of Ireland, 43; Union of Australia, 29* 9: Railways—Great Western, 901; Ditto, Fifths, 171; Brighton, 37; South-western, 684; Croydon, 131 i ; Manchester and Birming- ham, 321 I; Midland Countie9:60:37ki91 80; Paris and Orleans, 27i ; Paris and Rouen. 281; Rouen and Havre9,571158b ; York and North Midland, 1131 13. Dper Cent. Consols Chilian Deferred 46 8 3 Ain for Account Columbian 6 per Gem, .1821
3 per Cent Reduced ex Venezuela
1021 * Danish 3 per Cedts 111 12 3} per Cent Ditto Dutch 21 per Cents 95 86 New 34 per Cents
170* 80 Ditto 5 per Cents Mt i Bank Stock
Mexican 5 per Cents 99k 1 prem. 62 65 301 1
Exchequer Bills
2691 701 Portuguese New 5p Cts.1841 43* 4 Russian 5 per Cents
Italia Stock 72 4
Brazi:ian 5 per Cents 103 115 116 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 221 * Belgian 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Chilian 6 per Cents 100 1 218 2