(Closing Monday. Prices Tuesday. ) Tredues. Thurs. Friary.
3 per Cent Consols
65/ 85/ 86
861 86k Ditto for Account is 86 86
861 86/
3 per Cents Reduced
811 891 65
851 851 31 per Cents 831 891 891
86 838 Long Annuities 81 61 81
81 611 Bank Stock, 7 per Cent 1871 166 187
1891 190 India Stock, 101
231 234
234 236 Exchequer Bills, 2d. and 214. per diem 11-441itu 13 46
47-45 41.39 India Bonds, 41 per Cent
42 pm.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Austrian a p. Ct
Belgian 41 — Ditto 21 —
Brazilian 9 —
Buenos Ayrea 6
Milian s Danish 5 —
Dutch (Et. 12 Guilders) 21 Ditto 4 —
French $ —
Ditto 5 — Indiana (Sterling) 6 — Illinois 6 — Kentucky — Louisiana (Sterling) 6 —
Maryland (Sterling) 6 —
— 71 ea d.
72 — 81 661 451 69 -- — 31 891 83 ex d.
Massachusetts (Sterling). • 5 p Ot
Meaicsn S
Michigan a
Mississippi (Sterling) 6 Ne w York (1968) ..... ... 6 Ohio . . 6
Pennsylvania 6 Peruvian s Portuguese S Ditto 3 Russian 6 Spanish a
Ditto 3 Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred)
Venezuela Active
94/ 214
853 89 68 32
991 11 23 SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation daring the Week ending Friday Evening.) BLILWATS-
Edinburgh and Glasgow 401 British North American
Eastern Counties 13 Colonial
Great Northern 31 Commercial of London
Great North of England ...... 222 London and Westminster
Great Western .. , ...... 74 London Joint Stock
Hull and Selby 91 National of Ireland
Lancashire and Yorkshire
National Provincial
Lancaster and Carlisle
Provincial of Ireland
London Brighton and South Coast
261 Union of Australia
London and Blackwell 91 Union of London
London and North-western 118
Midland 80
North British 141 Brazilian Imperial
Northern and Eastern 67 Ditto (St. John Del Rey)
Sonthseastens and Dover
231 Cobre Copper
South-western 40 Miscsuan sous-
York, Ne wcastle, and Berwick 264 Australian Agricultural
York and North Midland 50 Canada
General Steam ad} East and West India 119
I Peninsular and Oriental Steam.
541 London 103 Royal Mail Steam 421 as d.
St. Katherine 70 South Australian
Notea Waned £26,608,105 Glovernment Debt £11,015,1r0
Other Securities 2,984,900
field Coin and Bullion 12,100,216
Sliver Bullion 607,969
Proprietors' Capital
£14,553,000 Government Securities,
Rest 3,387,862
cluding Dead WeightAnnuity)£12,950.012
Public Deposita* 2,619,410 Other Securities 10,889,081 Other Deposits 10,921,191 Notes 8,018,165 Seven Day and other Bills .... 1,040,761
Gold and Silver Coin
'Including Exchequer, Sayings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts.
Per 0.r. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.
Wheat 52s. Od. I Rye 31s. 24. Wheat bs Od. I Eye 21.0d, Barley 32 8 1 Beans 96 9 Barley 2 0 I Beans 2 0 Oats 20 9 I Peas 30 1 Oats 2 6 I Peas 2 0 Weekly Averages for the Week ending October 28.
Wheat, lils.0d.—Barley,32s. 74.—Gars, 20s. 44.—Rye, 28s. 9d.—Beans,371.34.—Peas, 40,. Id,
Batter—BestFresh, 13s. Od. per doz. Carlow, U. Os. to 41. 6s. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 60s.— 625.
Cheese, Cheshire Si — 61 Derby Plain so —64
Hams, York 60 —04
Eggs, French, per 120, 71. 94. to 9s. 01.
8. d a d a d a d s. 4. a. 4. SattrapIELD.
Beef ..
3 0 to 3 4 to 3 8
2 8 to 3 4 to 4 0 Friday.
Mutton 3 4 — 3 10 — 4 2 3 1 4 4 — 4 10 Beasts 1,27/ 4,737 Veal .. 3 0— 3 8 — 4 1 3 0 —3 6 —4 2 Sheep. 4,630 29,090 Pork .. 4 0 — 5 0 — 6 4 ..... 4 4 — 4 10 — 6 4 Calves. 370 161 Lamb.
0 0 — 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 — 0 0
Pig.... 380 384
York Regents per ton. 1001. to140s Scotch Reds o — 0
Devons 0 — 0 Kent and Essex Whites 133 — 0
HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Con Slarairo. Betrartme. Witirzeillrat. Hay. Good 73.. to 713s 72s. to 74s. 40s. to 72'.
Inferior 50 65 63 — 65 0 — 0 New 0-0 48 e.- 68 0 — 0 Clover 95 100 92 — 95 80 — 105 Wheat Straw 28 — 33 24 — 28 .... ...... 22 — 28
GROCERIES. Tea, Bohea, Sac. ....per lb Os. 14. 10 Os. 3. Congou, fine 1 3 —2 0
Souchong, fine 1 3 — 2 4
• In Bond—Duty 2s ld. per W. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. Is. to 100s.
Good Ordinary 23s. 6d. to Nu. Sugar. Muscovado , per cwt 22s. led West India Molasses 14s. Od. to 18s. id.
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 285h day of October 1918. ISSUE DEPARTMENT.
BULLION. Per oz.
Foreign Gold in Ears, Standard ... £3 17 9 ForeigneoldinCoin,PortugalPieces 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 91 Silver in Bars, Standard .. 0 0 0
METALS. Per ton.
Glopper,British Cakes £79 10 0 .. 0 0 0
Iron,British Barn.... 6 10 0 .. 8 15 0 Lead, British Pig .... 15 15 0 .. 16 5 0
Steel , English 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, November a.
Wheat,ILNew 44 1048 Rye so to112 Maple 40to42 Oats, Feed. 191020
Fine 48-30 Barley 27-38 White.. ... 31-36 Pine. 30 —11 Old 46-50 Malting... 33 —36 Boilers ... 19—do Poland .. 21-22 White 52-56 Malt, Ord.... 68-61 Beans,Ticks. 40 — 82 Fine. 22-23 Fine 55-62 Fine 61-66 Old . .... 31 —36
Potato .. 26-17
Super. New .. se—el Peas,liog 35-3s
Harrow... 11-36 Fine. 27-28
Town-made per sack 48s. to 91s. Seconds 45 — 47
Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 42 — 49
Norfolk and Stockton 39 — 41 Bran per quarter 0 0 Pollard,fine 0 0 Bread, 714. to 80. the 410. loaf.
• 13 To sink the offal, per W.
Kent Pockets 48s. to 63s.
Choice ditto 66 — 111 Sussex Pockets 45 — 66 Fine ditto 0 — 0 OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape 011 per cart. £1 16s. Od. Refined 1 16 6 Linseed Oil 1 2 0 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 0 0 0 Candles. per dozen, 5r Od. to 5s. 64. Moulds (6d.per doz. discount) 7. Od.
Coals, Hettou 19s. ost. Tees 18s. 56.