The Fenian Congress in Philadelphia has ended in words. The
society has been re-organized on the model of the United States, with president, senate, and popular assembly. The president is Colonel O'Mahony, who is-about to issue bonds of the Irish Republic and a grand address to fire the Irish heart. Nothing however, was actually done, the Congress quarrelled savagely over the religions question, spies are said to have been present at every séance, and the burden of all speeches was the necessity for funds. That " gassy " speculator, G. F. Train, was the only American who made a speech, and an effort to obtain a statement from Mr. Seward that he had not warned the British Government of Fenian designs failed signally. So afraid were the Fenians of British interference, that the doors leading to the hall were guarded by swordsmen in green and gold, while the Head Centre made and published a speech, in which he admitted his connection with the arrested Fenians, about as Irish a blunder as it was well possible to make. Imagine the sort of man who plots in green and gold, and cannot resist the temptation to condole publicly with con- federates under arrest !