The Anthropological Review. October. (Trabner).—Those Ishmael- ites of science, the
Anthropologists, are ve ry angry with a number of people this quarter. They are displeased with the historians who do not take into consideration the race-influence in writing history, it is• their law of life to be at war with the clergy, and poor Mr. Lecky roughly handled for not being severe enough upon these degraded: beings; but the vials of their wrath are mainly reserved for the British Association, which now is doing all in its power to retard the advance- ment of science, inasmuch as it declined at the last meeting to set apart a separate section for anthropology. Perha ps some consideration for other people's feelings and some moderation in expressing difference of opinion, might lead to an increase of influence in the case of this particu- lar department of science, without in any way compromising the cause of truth and progress.