4 NOVEMBER 1882, Page 1


THE Government have struck a strong stroke in Egypt. Harassed by incessant questions in Parliament, by the differences between their own opinions and those of their agents in Egypt, and by the resistance of the Egyptian Government, which is serious, though it takes a passive form, they have re- quested Lord Dufferin to visit Cairo, and represent them there for the next three months. He will during that time be their sole agent in Egypt, and, we presume, though there has been no statement in Parliament, will be authorised to decide on the spot many que ns about which correspondence might last for ever. H 1 I deal with the Khedive with an authority which no Oonsu -General could possess, will have the full confidence of the Generals in command of the Army of Occupation, and will understand the views of the Cabinet as no subordinate could do. He will, therefore, it is to be hoped, be able to prepare with the Egyptian statesmen a working scheme of government which shall satisfy both Europe and the people. There is no sign of such a scheme yet, and though the delay is natural, and has done no harm, it must not be too long protracted. Already the Egyptian Ministry, worried by interferences, especially in the trial of Arabi, have begun to fall back on the Sultan, as a possible aid in residing English pressure. Lord Dnfferin will be able to relax much of all that tension.