4 NOVEMBER 1911, Page 13


Big Game Shooting in Upper Burma.—By Major G. P. Evans. (Longman and Co. 78. 6d. net.)—There is plenty of good reading in this book. Major Evans tells us of his first introduction to the wild elephant, and of how he improved his acquaintance with the animal. Here we have "big game" indeed. One animal which he killed was, he is sure, 10ft. 9in. in height. It fell in such a way that this could not be accurately measured, but the feet were found to be 5ft eln. in circumference, and the height is always twice the round of the foot. The tusks weighed 994 lb. The " elephant" chapter is particularly informing. Then we hear about other animals, the tiger, for instance, a creature seldom seen —Major Evans has sighted them twice only in many years. They are not rare, for their tracks are frequent, but they hide them- selves, not for fear of man, who very seldom penetrates to their haunts, but because to show themselves would mean the loss of the day's food. The rhinoceros, the bison, the wild boar, &c., appear in the list. If any of our readers have an idea of trying the Burmese jungle, here they may find some good counsel, especially on the matter of guns and ammunition. An excellent map is appended.