Le Strange Records. By Hamon Le Strange.. (Longmans and Co.
21e. net.)—This scholarly book, which is very unlike the uncritical family histories of the past and present, contains a detailed and docu- mented account of the early Le Stranges, who in the twelfth and thir- teenth centuries played a useful part on the Welsh Marches. Roland Le Strange, who came from Anjou and was perhaps a Breton, married the daughter of the Domesday tenant of Hunstanton, which still remains in the family. Henry II. the Angevin called on the Ise Stranges, with other countrymen of his, to assist in the difficult but not unprofitable tack of holding the Welsh in chock and gave them manors in Shropshire. Their family history thus throws a good deal of light on the interminable Welsh wars, which the Lords Marcher conducted for the most part on their own account.