On Friday week the Admiralty issued the following statement :-
" During last night the enemy attempted a raid with ten des troyors on our cross-Channel transport service. The attempt failed ; one empty transport, the ' Queen,' was sunk. Tho whole of her crew -were saved. Two of the enemy destroyers were-sunk, and the red driven off. H.M. torpedo-boat destroyer ' Flirt,' Lieutenant Richard P. Kellett, R.N., is miqqing, and it is feared she may be lost, but nine of the crow have been saved. 1131. torpedo-boat destroyer ' Nubian,' Commander Montague Bernard, R.N., Wall. disabled by a torpedo and taken in tow, but owing to the bad weather the tow parted, and she has grounded."
This reads very much as though the Admiralty writer of public announcements had taken to heart the criticisms of the first report en the Jutland_ Battle. This time the better news is placed first.