The - accounts in the papers of Friday week of the deeds
for which fLteenniore V.C.'s have been awarded read like a fairy-tale. Take this description, for instance, of the heroism. of -Private T. A. Jones, of the Cheshire Regiment :— "Noticing an enemy sniper at two hundred yards distance, he went out, and, though one bullet went through his helmet and another through his coat, he returned the sniper's fire and killed him. He then saw two more of the enemy firing at him, although displaying a white flag. Both of these he also shot. On reaching the enemy trench he found several occupiCd dug-outs, and, single-handed, disarmed one hundred- and two of the .enemy, -including three or four officers,- and marched them back to our lines through a heavy barrage."
Or-eons this account of the exploit-of Private: J; C. Kerr, -of the Canadian Infantry :—
" During a ..bombing attack he was acting as bayonet .man, and, knowing that bombs were running short,- he ran along the parades under heavy fire until he. was in close contact with the enemy, when he opened fire on them at point-blank range, and inflicted heavy loss. The enemy, thinking they were surrounded, surrendered. Sixty-two prisoners were taken and two hundred and fifty yards of enemy trench captured."
The novelists may cheer up. The miraculous valour of their heroes can never again seem untrue to life.